Raising two small children through a pandemic would not have been possible without a strong network of parent friends that understand the struggle. I don't have family nearby, and having moved for work, my social network has dwindled, leaving little options for a break from continuously keeping my kids clean, fed, educated and entertained. I just find it all really difficult, and I don't think it needs to be that way. It takes a village to raise a child, and if you aren't surrounded by that village, you need to build it. I built that village for myself, and it has been a scaffold that keeps me going when things get really tough. Now, I want to help other people find that supporting network, to share the hard times and relish in the good times.

Neuroscientist - tech entrepreneur -mother

Parenting is the single most challenging and emotionally complex thing I have ever done. Nothing prepared me for how vulnerable, anxious, and sometimes depressed, I would feel. No-one told me how much my responsibilities as a mother would dwarf the rest of my life, challenge my identity, and shift all my priorities. I always had a strong idea of what sort of mother I would be, but most of that changed under the stress and pressure of trying to build a career and manage a young family- to say nothing of the chronic sleep deprivation. 

Dr Michele Veldsman

Dr Veldsman has a PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience from the University of Cambridge and two decades of academic research experience, working in some of the world’s best universities. She was Director of Neuroscience, R&D for Cambridge Cognition. Dr Veldsman provides freelance consulting for the tech industry, FTSE 100 management consultancies, medtech and non-profits.

Dr Veldsman has over 80 peer reviewed academic papers in some of the most prestigious journals in the world. Her experience and expertise cover neuro-technology, brain imaging, neurology, neuroscience, psychology and mental health. She has authored two books on the understanding child and adolescent brain development.

Playroom is built by parents, for parents. Using advanced tech to make parenting easier, safer and more connected.